Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You
Book Discussion Exercises
Being antiracist takes more than being able to recognize and condemn permutations of racist thoughts that we see in our society, friends, and family. As individuals, we must take ownership of our own biases and racist thoughts that we have had or continue to have. We cannot genuinely fight racism that is around us if we have not addressed it within ourselves. The following exercises will help us in this endeavor. Note, these exercises both are anonymous and optional.
Our own implicit biases are a good place to start. According to OSU’s Kirwan Institute, “implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner.” Occurring unconsciously, it can be a challenge for us to spot it within ourselves. For this exercise, we will be using Harvard’s Project Implicit. Please go to and select the Race IAT. This should not take any more than 10 minutes. Once you are finished, please select your test result from the drop-down menu below.